The Murakami Pilgrimage: A Guide to the Real-Life Places of Haruki Murakami’s Fiction is a comprehensive Japan travel guide which focuses on the locations featured in the novels of Haruki Murakami. It was written and designed by Ken Lawrence and published by Sailingstone Press LLC. The book is currently only available in physical form.


  • ISBN-13: 9780998427836
  • Publisher: Sailingstone Press LLC
  • Pages: 232 (full color)
  • Product dimensions: 6(w) x 9(h) x 0.60(d)


The guide book contains:

  • Guides to the real-life locations of every one of Haruki Murakami’s English-translated novels
  • Detailed day trip itineraries and comprehensive transportation information
  • Full color maps for each section
  • QR codes for each location that enable you to instantly load the addresses into your smartphone
  • Insider tips from a long-term Japan resident on what to do and see around each area
  • Colorful photographs provided for all locations
  • An additional in-depth reference guide, organized by location, for all of Murakami’s novels and short stories
  • Carefully placed spoiler warnings so that you can use this guide whether you’ve read one Murakami novel or them all

Please note: The guide book is unofficial and is not authorized, licensed or endorsed by Haruki Murakami or his publishers. This guide book is meant only to supplement and not to be a substitute for reading any of the works of the original author. It is strongly recommended that you purchase and read the original works of fiction before picking up The Murakami Pilgrimage.


This site was created by the author of the guide book and contains an overview of each chapter of the main section of the book. You’ll also find blog posts containing additional information and personal stories that couldn’t make it into the final project.

murakamipilgrimage.com is also a useful resource for general travel info about Japan.

Also, be sure to check the site periodically, or sign up to our mailing list, for news on future editions of the book!

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